Archive Tag:Social Media

Facebook to take on LinkedIn and Google Drive at Work

Will Facebook be stretching into your working life soon?

Facebook is now into deeper calculation and is planning control the social graph of 1.3 billion people, but now it has ambitions to stretch deeper into the workplace, according to the Financial Times’ report on plans for “Facebook at Work”.

This isn’t about getting around corporate firewalls to safeguard you can see which Frozen character your friends are, though. It’s a proper move to compete with services from Google Drive and LinkedIn to Slack, and become a serious working tool.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Top Benefits Of Social Media Marketing

In this cut-throat market to some capitalists, social media marketing is the “next big thing”, a temporary yet powerful fashion that must be taken advantage of a while it’s still in the spotlight. To others, it’s a buzzword with no practical advantages and a sheer, complicated learning curve.

Because it appeared rapidly, social media has developed a status by some for being a passing marketing interest, and therefore, a non-profitable one. The statistics, however, illustrate a different picture. According to a data, 92% of marketers in 2014 claimed that social media marketing was vital for their business, with 80% indicating their efforts increased traffic to their websites. And according to Social Media surveyor, 97% of marketers are currently contributing in social media—but 85% of participants aren’t sure what social media tools are the best to use.

Ways to Increase your Instagram Followers

You want to Increase Your Instagram Followers? Go through below…..

As a starter on Instagram, posting photos can be very discouraging. You will manage to get few likes from few followers, and it will be disheartening result for all the hard work and excitement you have put on even if you know the benfits of Social Media marketing.

This article will benefit you with several ideas for increasing your followers and getting them to interact with your posts. You’ll notice that many of the ideas below are focused on increasing engagement (likes and comments), and here’s why: lasting engagement naturally leads to followers.